Search REO, Foreclosure, Pre-Foreclosure, Short Sale Properties in Phoenix by map, by zip code, city, community, school and styles.
Welcome to the AZPrideProperty.com foreclosure / lender owned & pre-foreclosure / short-sale home search.
This search has been segregated already to only include pre-foreclosures and foreclosed properties.
Overall REO home prices are lower then normal homes for sale but often the REO properties are sold "as is" and they almost all need some work: some need lots of work while others just a bit of cosmetic improvements.
The process of buying an REO properties is a bit different then a normal sale but its still easier then a short-sale which has lots of risks for the buyer.
Call Linda Wieczorek to view Foreclosures 602-391-8246 or email AZhomes4u@gmail.com.
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