If you find yourself in a position where you can no longer afford your home and you owe more on in it than it is worth, then a short sale may be your best option. Simply put, the short sale is a means to sell your property for less than what you might owe to a lender, provided you acquire the approval of the lender. In most cases, it serves as a mean to avoid foreclosure, as most homeowners facing financial hardships or even bankruptcy qualify for this service. The short sale is a viable alternative to bankruptcy and foreclosure, as it offers a legitimate means to deal with the economic pressures you might be facing.
What reasons qualify me for a short sale?
* If you owe more than your house is currently worth, then a short sale might be the best course of action for you.
* Financial hardships, such as divorce, loss of a job, or a decline in income are also reasons to consider this option.
* If you are nearing foreclosure, then the short sale offers an alternate route that isn’t as detrimental to your credit.
* Finally, if you lack equity but are still forced to move, a short sale might be your best option.
Regardless of the reasons; pre-foreclosure consultation is an invalid and important service, and the sooner you receive it the better. Time only acts against you in this situation, so please take the time to speak with a real estate/foreclosure specialist as soon as possible. It will serve as your life vest in these troubling economic times, so don’t waste another moment worrying what to do.
Why do I qualify as a short sale specialist? Why should you call us?
I work on a team that specializes exclusively in short sale negotiations and pre-foreclosure consultations. We are all fully licensed realtors, each with years of experience. In that time, we have built relationships with all the major banks, offering invaluable contacts through which to serve and help you, the homeowner. Above all, we exist to serve you, and offer honest, confidential advice about short sales and pre foreclosure options. Contact us today if you have any questions whatsoever, and remember that we, as a team, exist for your own personal benefit.
Please call today for your FREE NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATION. We would love to work with you. Linda 602-391-8246
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