Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why Your Listing Agent Wants You Out Of The House At Showings!

This is an excellent post that Patricia Kennedy with Evers & Company Realtor in Washington DC wrote last month. If you are a seller who wants to attend all showing or happen to be there for a showing please read this post.

Today, I showed several houses to a favorite buyer. And due to a thunderstorm that blew through town while we were out looking, all these sellers were home for at least part of the showing. And all of them committed the one mortal sin of real estate. They chatted with me and my buyer. Some were more discrete than others.

Now, if your house is for sale, and if you are home when any agent shows up, zip your lip!

What you think of as pleasant banter is the agent trying to pump you for information she knows your agent would never tell.

Do you have another place to go. Have you purchased another house? Are you being transferred? Is this a happy move or a stress move?

Are you selling because of a happy new addition to your family? Or are you in the middle of a mean divorce? Are you moving to a new city for your dream job? Or are you selling because your job moved to China without you and you can no longer afford your place?

It goes to motivation. If you show up as needy and anxious and tell all, the agent showing your home will think you are more motivated than you might be, and the offer might come in a lot lower than what you'd like to see.

Your agent would never volunteer any of this information out of the blue.

Neither should you!

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