Weather you are buying or selling a historic home, you need a realtor who can give you expert advice. Prices are Low and it's time to Buy that Historic Home you thought you could never afford...
Nestled in and around the Downtown and Central Phoenix areas lie a variety of Historic Districts, each with their own unique style and appeal. Vintage Homes range from charming 800 square foot Bungalows to luxurious Spanish Colonials sprawling over 5000 square feet. These "one-of-a-kind" properties beg to be lived in, loved and cherished. Some sport panoramic views of downtown or Central Avenue high rises… Others sit quietly on a block of mature trees, flowers and solitude … All of these homes make up an area with distinctively different architecture and most importantly , a sense of place and belonging.
To own a home that looks like nothing else in the neighborhood. To select an exterior paint that doesn’t dress another home on the block, but fits yours like a fine suit. To sit on your front porch and watch the evolution of an area is inestimable. These are the Historic neighborhoods where most know your name and share in a closeness not achieved elsewhere in the city. These are areas to take PRIDE in, to covet, to enhance with your own special ideas.
To own a home that looks like nothing else in the neighborhood. To select an exterior paint that doesn’t dress another home on the block, but fits yours like a fine suit. To sit on your front porch and watch the evolution of an area is inestimable. These are the Historic neighborhoods where most know your name and share in a closeness not achieved elsewhere in the city. These are areas to take PRIDE in, to covet, to enhance with your own special ideas.

The Phoenix Historic Preservation Commission(HPC) implements the responsibilities of the city Historic Preservation Ordinance. There are many Financial Benefits to owning a home in a Historic District which include grants from the city to help with exterior rehabilitation as well as property tax reductions. There are currently 34 Historic Districts in the city of Phoenix.
Linda Wieczorek 602-391-8246 AZhomes4u@gmail.com
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