Saturday, May 4, 2013

Polish chicken and dumplings my WAY

I love chicken and dumplings, and always have.  If I see it on a menu I order it.  My problem is "I have never made chicken & dumplings that I like." (9 out of 10 times it good, very good, but not what I am looking for.  I am very critical of my chicken & dumplings. I am always looking for the perfect dumpling recipe. The soup stock I can make, it's  the dumplings. I like the heaver, dense dumpling.  My hunt for that perfect dumpling continues!

IMG_20130428_105832_965.jpg        Dumplings

British / Irish  typically make dumplings from flour, fat and a leavening agent, and flavor them with spices or herbs. The dumplings are boiled or steamed and served in a stew or soup. In Italy, ravioli is made from a flour dough that is cut into squares and filled with meat or cheese and boiled, myself I love the Italian gnocchi, I am crazy for gnocchi, my favorite. Gnocchi  are small dumpling made from potato & flour that is boiled and served with a sauce, gravy or pesto. I love a roasted tomato pesto with my gnocchi and love to add gnocchi to soup.   
Then the popular American dish chicken and dumplings,  pieces of dough boiled in a chicken-based soup. Scandinavian, northern Europe cooking often uses potato dumplings, or  flour dumplings.. In German / Hungarian cooking, a variety of dumplings can be found, German spatzle (a small, boiled dumpling made from egg and flour) to sweeter dumplings made by wrapping fruit in a dough and baking it.  I love dumpling,  lets see what I can do today.  

I just found a recipe on line for  Polish Chicken and Dumplings   Making it my own..
  • 1 (3 pound) chicken I used 6 leg quarters
  • 1 onion, chopped
DUMPLINGS: This makes a lot of dumplings.. and it's all about the dumplings.

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